“Michi – The End and the Beginning” by Kodai Yoshida
One productions ends, and we head right into the next one. That’s the life of a Kodo member. It’s one endless challenge.
Someone once said to me, “Don’t feel secure. There’s someone better than you out there.”
I realized that every time one event finished, I felt a sense of relief.
Somehow, I got really angry when I heard those words.
Angry at myself for knowing that I felt secure and just carried on like that anyway.
I strongly felt the truth in those words when I was on tour with “Michi.”
You can’t afford to rest on your laurels, because the moment you think “I nailed it,” you’ll find another obstacle right in front of you.
The next obstacle is often like a big wall that you can’t see past. So you never know how big the following obstacle will be; all you can do is face the one right in front of you.
Lately, I’ve been spurred on by this kind of insecurity, as I tried to climb up and over each new wall.
Sometimes I’ve had to go back to the start line, sometimes I got knocked down.
One thing is for sure: I’ll keep climbing. I wonder how far I’ll go.
That’s up to me, right?
Bring on the next challenge!