In the wake of the Tohoku Pacific Earthquake, Kodo launched the “Heartbeat Project,” a multifaceted undertaking designed to help relief efforts and the people of the affected regions. We will continue to support the restoration of these areas with our music, in particular through charity concerts and fund-raising events, sharing news of Japan’s recovery with our own networks throughout Japan and around the world. Our hearts remain with everyone affected by this disaster, every step of the way.
- Nov.–Dec. 2014 Advertising support for Dec. 21, 2014, “Nanako Matsuri – Hana no Jin” (Otsuchi, Iwate)
Kodo Blog: “This Year’s Wonderful ‘Nanako Matsuri'” by Michiko Chida - June–Dec. 2014 Supported fundraising campaign to build Urahama Folk Performing Arts Center, a new base for sword dance Urahama Nenbutsu Kenbai & deer dance Urahama Shishi Odori (Ofunato, Iwate)
Kodo Blog: “Asakusa Performances: Collecting Donations for a New Folk Performing Arts Center” by Michiko Chida
Kodo Blog: “Fundraising for Urahama Folk Performing Arts Center” by Michiko Chida
Donation Collection Venues:
*Jun. 21–25, 2014 Kodo Performances at Asakusa Public Hall, Taito Ward, Tokyo.
*Aug. 22–24, 2014 Earth Celebration 2014, Sado Island, Niigata
*Nov. 30, 2014 Kodo “Eternity” Performance at Aore Nagaoka, Nagaoka, Niigata
*Sep.–Dec. 2014 Sado Island Taiko Centre (Tatakokan), Sado Island, Niigata - Nov. 30 (Sun), 2014 Kodo Heartbeat Project Special Performance in Support of Chuetsu Earthquake & Tohoku Pacific Earthquake Recovery Efforts (Nagaoka, Niigata)
Kodo Blog: “Kodo Heartbeat Project: Lest We Forget” by Tomohiro Mitome - May 16 (Fri), 2014 Kodo Interactive Performance as a Tohoku Pacific Earthquake Recovery Event (Ishinomaki, Miyagi)
Kodo Blog: “Workshop Performance at Myoko Junior High School” by Kenta Nakagome - Mar. 2 (Sun), 2014 Yoshikazu Fujimoto, Yoko Fujimoto, & Motofumi Yamaguchi Performance at Festival for Recovery, “Ryori Damashii.” (Ofunato, Iwate)
Kodo Blog: “Taking Part in a Festival for Recovery, ‘Ryori Damashii'” by Michiko Chida - Jan. 18 (Sat), 2014 Yoshikazu Fujimoto & Yoko Fujimoto Appearance at Tohoku Pacific Earthquake Charity Concert, “Chinkon no Hibiki” (Fukushima City)
- Nov. 30 (Sun), 2014“Kodo Heartbeat Project” Special Performance in Support of Chuetsu Earthquake & Tohoku Pacific Earthquake Recovery Efforts (Nagaoka, Niigata)
- Dec. 7, 2013 Kodo Ensemble Appearance at “Nanako Matsuri – Fuyu no Jin”
- Aug. 2013 “Jangara Nenbutsu” Group Invited to International Performing Arts Festival “Earth Celebration 2013”
- June 29, 2013 Chieko Kojima Appearance at Charity Concert in Nara
- June 19, 2012 Tohoku Pacific Earthquake Disaster Area Recovery Charity Concert Kodo to Wadaiko no Nakama-tachi – Sorezore no Matsurine (Minato Ward, Tokyo)
- Mar. 18, 2012 Invitation to Tohoku Pacific Earthquake evacuees living on Sado Island to the Kodo Small Ensemble Performance at the Sado Island Taiko Centre Festival “Tatakokan Matsuri.” (Ogi, Sado Island)
- Mar. 11, 2012 One Year on from the Tohoku Pacific Earthquake
- Mar. 11, 2012 Shogo Yoshii’s composition “Island of the Shining Sun” was released on YouTube.
- Participation in Japanese Government “JAPAN NEXT Campaign”
- Donation Collection at Kodo Performance Venues & Sado Island Taiko Centre
- May 28, 2011 Eastern Japan Support Fumi no Miyako Charity Concert Kodo x Siena Beat – Todokeyo Kokoro no Kodo (Let’s Send Our Heartbeats) – (Bunkyo Ward, Tokyo)
- Apr. 16, 2011 Mitsuru Ishizuka’s new piece Tomorrow was released on YouTube.
- Red Cross Society Japan Earthquake (Tohoku) and Pacific Tsunami Relief
- In the Wake of Disaster – Takao Aoki, Kodo Managing Director
- From the members of the Kodo 30th Anniversary One Earth Tour 2011 in North America