My Kodo Discography Pick 07 | Issei Kohira: Kaden (Album)

Issei Kohira

Hi, everyone! How are you doing?
I’m Issei Kohira, a member of the Kodo ensemble.
Each member is introducing a Kodo CD or DVD they recommend, and I’ve chosen “Kaden,” an album released in late 2016.

It features pieces mainly from three Kodo One Earth Tour productions: Eternity, Chaos, and Evolution.

Eternity featured compositions that depicted vivid scenes, while the music in Chaos emerged from blending taiko and drum kits—East and West. Evolution showed Kodo’s journey to date lead to the creation of new Kodo music. This album combines the best of these three works.

When I became a junior member four years ago, Chaos was my first tour with Kodo. And I took part in the recording of Arrive, Toki no Ma, and Kukai—all three Chaos pieces on the Kaden album.
I was so new to the ensemble that I didn’t know which way was up, down, left, right, forward, back, or otherwise. So I mostly recall being in a hurry to keep up. (lol)
But I also remember feeling happy that I was going to appear on one of Kodo’s albums as a performer.

Personally, I recommend the track Toki no Ma!
Why, you ask?
Because I have a six-second solo on it! (lol)
Please have a listen and see if you can find my solo! (lol)

As you can see, for me, this CD packed with memories.
If you already own it, I hope you’ll listen to it again after reading this blog. And if you don’t, I hope you’ll add it to your collection so you can experience and enjoy a range of new sides to Kodo’s music.

I’d like to take this opportunity to say I truly appreciate your kind support and words of encouragement over the past few months. I’ll keep working hard, preparing for the day Kodo can tour again.
Thank you, everyone. I’m looking forward to seeing you again soon!


Album | Kaden

↓Listen to sample tracks

↓Buy at Kodo Online Store

“Extra Challenges” by Issei Kohira

Our “Evolution” North America Tour is gradually nearing its end. We are all doing well.

Photo: Takashi Okamoto

This time, I have the added challenges of playing chappa (cymbals) and bamboo flutes on stage, as well as taiko.

Photo: Takashi Okamoto

Considering baseball player Shohei Otani is called a two-way player for pitching and fielding, perhaps I’m a three-way player?
It sounds presumptuous for me to say that, but I am grateful for this rare opportunity.

Photo: Takashi Okamoto

I have a lot to work on for each different instrument, and I need to work on my mindset and how I use my body, too. I don’t want to tackle any of these challenges half-heartedly. As I focus on each challenge, I am acutely aware that becoming a good all-rounder is not an easy goal.

Photo: Takashi Okamoto

However, I do have feelings of fulfillment. No matter what instrument I play, I will keep doing my best each day and hope I can connect with our audiences.

Photo: Takashi Okamoto

We’re into the second half of our tour now. Along with my energetic, smiling colleagues, I’ll continue to give it my all as we share Kodo’s sound with the people of North America.

I’ll keep doing my best!

Photo: Takashi Okamoto


“Kodo One Earth Tour 2019: Evolution” North America Tour

“On Tour with Fierce ‘DADAN’!” by Issei Kohira

On Tour with Fierce “DADAN”!

Hello, everyone! It’s Kodo Member Issei Kohira here. Thank you for your continued support.

Kodo’s “DADAN 2017” domestic tour kicked off at the beginning of October and we are receiving great reviews as we roar around Japan!

I was a cast member for the DADAN 2017 USA tour from February through March this year. We gave around 30 performances in the US and it was a very good experience for me. Now, I am back on the road with DADAN in Japan. On this tour, we will perform in my hometown area, Kansai. We have performances in Kyoto on Nov. 8 and Osaka on Nov. 11 & 12. If you live in the Kansai area, please come along to see us.

On the current tour, I have been cast to perform Tomoe, one of Kodo’s signature pieces. I am pouring everything into my performance as I follow in the footsteps of all the senior members who have performed it to date. I am giving it my absolute all on stage, but I know that I still have a long way to go.

The lads, I mean, the manly squad and I are drumming up a storm, so please come along to see us at a theater somewhere! We are waiting for you!
Come and hear the roar live!


“DADAN 2017” Japan Tour | Nov. 8 (Wed), 2017 Kyoto City

“DADAN 2017” Japan Tour | Nov. 11 (Sat)–12 (Sun), 2017 Osaka City

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