“Kodo Duo Masayuki & Yuta” by Yuta Sumiyoshi

Nov. 26, 2017

Photo: Takashi Okamoto

The duo of senior performer Masayuki Sakamoto and new comer Yuta Sumiyoshi (that’s me) was first formed in 2012 for the piece Kusa-wake in the “Amaterasu” production. For the five years that followed, I think I have spent more time than anyone else watching Masayuki perform in pieces such as Kei Kei, Hekireki, Kaden, and Dan.

Photo: Takashi Okamoto

I am grateful for the fact that I often was given the chance to perform right opposite Masayuki.

Photo: Mayumi Hirata

We played the piece Kusawake in Amaterasu, at Kanamaru-za, in “Mystery,” and “DADAN”.

That means we must have played that piece together in front of an audience over four hundred times to date.
Masayuki often said, “I wonder how many times we’ll play that together again…”
So when the day came when I said to myself, “There’s only two times to go!,” I felt a wave of emotion well up inside me.

Photo: Takashi Okamoto
Soon after I joined Kodo, Masayuki returned from Kodo’s Europe tour in the springtime and I trained under his instruction for the first time.

I seem to recall we were working on the shime-jishi taiko part of the piece SHAKE

However, what we were focusing on wasn’t phrasing or strokes. It was the atmosphere you create before you drum.
If you know SHAKE, then you probably know what that means, because SHAKE begins with a lead-in by the shime-jishi drum. Masayuki taught me that before you play the first beat, you should feel as though you are gathering the eyes and ears of the hundreds of audience members to all focus on your two hands.

“When you want to diffuse or draw in energy, you express that by changing the angle of your chest!” 
Even now, I still recall his words when I take the stage.

Photo: Takashi OkamotoI open up my chest when I move forward, and I drop my chest when it’s my turn to perform the backing part. The accents of the sound, and expression using my chest, it’s really about the music and your body speaking the same language.

Masayuki and I often enjoyed drinks together. Whether we were in Japan or abroad, he often took me out for drinks. (Or maybe I was the one who said “Let’s go!” more often than not…)
The first time Masayuki came to the Kodo dormitory to drink with me, I was so happy to drink with him that I drank too much in the first half hour and collapsed, so poor Masayuki was left drinking alone.
When it was Masayuki’s 30th birthday, I planned a huge BBQ in the garden at Kodo Village for him.

Photo: Takashi Okamoto
When we drink together, we talk a lot. It ranges from rambling about this and that to talking in depth about taiko. I got to know Masayuki’s character and nature, I learned about the mottos he holds dear, and we had a lot of silly fun together.

Our memories include the time we went to a yakiniku (BBQ) restaurant that wasn’t all-you-can-eat, and panicked in horror at the tremendous bill we racked up.
The time I went shopping with indecisive Masayuki to chose his new guitar.
The time we jumped in the sea, but the waves in the Sea of Japan were so powerful they threw us up onto the rocks.
We became hooked on having jam sessions with me on ukelele and Masayuki on guitar.
One time, we went for a run together before going out to drink German beer so the effects of the two activities would cancel each other out. This led us to come up with a saying that compares the quality of a “zero” from not doing something to the qualilty of the “zero” you get by canceling things out.
Each one of these memories were seeds we sowed that brought us closer together as colleagues and led to our perfectly matched sound on stage.

Masayuki is a guy who turns fake stoicism into his reality.
No matter how light his clothing and how cold he looks, he will say, “I’m not cold.”
No matter how tough the situation or how pale his face goes, he will say, “It’s a breeze.”
He is competitive about weird things, so even if he isn’t interested in something, if you cheer him on he will get in there and do it.

Photo: Ryotaro Leo Ikenaga
I sincerely respect Masayuki and I still look up to him.
He is a down-to-earth, friendly senior member who makes me always want to be at his side.

Photo: Takashi Okamoto
Masayuki is going to graduate from the Kodo group, and that means that I am going to graduate from playing with Masayuki.
My goal all along has been to stand out more than Masayuki, and now I am going to graduate from spending my days standing alongside him on stage.
There’s only two performances left. Niigata and Sado.

The “DADAN 2017” tour will continue throughout December, but Mitsuru Ishizuka and I were double-cast for this tour and Mitsuru is taking over for the December performances. So I will only perform two more times with Masayuki before the changeover.

Whether I cry or smile about it, there’s just two times to go.

Please, come and see our Niigata performance!

Please, come and see our Sado performance!

“DADAN 2017” Japan Tour

*Please note that this blog was translated after the two performances listed above.

“On Tour with Fierce ‘DADAN’!” by Issei Kohira

On Tour with Fierce “DADAN”!

Hello, everyone! It’s Kodo Member Issei Kohira here. Thank you for your continued support.

Kodo’s “DADAN 2017” domestic tour kicked off at the beginning of October and we are receiving great reviews as we roar around Japan!

I was a cast member for the DADAN 2017 USA tour from February through March this year. We gave around 30 performances in the US and it was a very good experience for me. Now, I am back on the road with DADAN in Japan. On this tour, we will perform in my hometown area, Kansai. We have performances in Kyoto on Nov. 8 and Osaka on Nov. 11 & 12. If you live in the Kansai area, please come along to see us.

On the current tour, I have been cast to perform Tomoe, one of Kodo’s signature pieces. I am pouring everything into my performance as I follow in the footsteps of all the senior members who have performed it to date. I am giving it my absolute all on stage, but I know that I still have a long way to go.

The lads, I mean, the manly squad and I are drumming up a storm, so please come along to see us at a theater somewhere! We are waiting for you!
Come and hear the roar live!


“DADAN 2017” Japan Tour | Nov. 8 (Wed), 2017 Kyoto City

“DADAN 2017” Japan Tour | Nov. 11 (Sat)–12 (Sun), 2017 Osaka City

“DADAN x Hiroshi Michael” by Hayato Otsuka

DADAN x Hiroshi Michael

Hiroshima’s superstar Hiroshi Michael (Hiroshi-maikeru) is the official character of television broadcaster TSS (Television Shin Hiroshima System).

He is a positive guy.At first glance, you might think he is intense and somewhat gaudy, but I heard that his bold, unwavering presence gives energy and courage to the TSS viewers.

His favorite saying is “Hiroshima Ikeru!,” which means “Hiroshima can do it!”

His character is easy to understand and interesting, which are both traits that we strive to achieve with our intense “DADAN” performance.

As you know, an atomic bomb was dropped on Hiroshima.

Visiting Hiroshima, I was reminded of the value of peace and the joy of living in the world today.

As long as I am alive, I want to keep the fire within my soul burning brightly.

I want to share that fire on stage!


We received a pumpkin cake for Halloween.

“DADAN 2017” Japan Tour

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