“Final Rehearsals Before the Premiere of ‘Yugen’!” by Tomoe Miura

The brilliant green of new leaves, the gorgeous peonies & wisteria.

Kodo Village is adorned with beautiful nature, with buds blooming one after another.

We are currently deep into rehearsals for our new production, “Yugen.” It is nearly ready for the stage.

We received song instruction from Mr. Hirotada Kamei.

I was astounded by the momentum of his singing and the intense force of his voice.

It is very difficult to express an array of beautiful and courageous sentiments with only intervals and one’s voice.

However, I have learned that the Japanese sense of beauty is truly profound.

With the Hanagi-ryu dance leader, all the dancers, Tamasaburo Bando, and Kodo, there were 35 performers in all taking part in our rehearsals.

This collaboration features beautiful dance, valiant beasts, and Kodo. The group dances are really exquisite on stage.

“Yugen” offers an opportunity to see a new side of Kodo.
Personally, I am really looking forward to it.

Japanese performing arts are expressed by harnessing and combining one’s spirit and physical power.
It is a struggle to maintain the concentration required for this performance, so I am training my mind and body every day.


Tamasaburo Bando x Kodo Special Performance “Yugen” (Japan)