“Stage Debut for 2017 Junior Members” by Yuta Kimura

May 16, 2017

Hello, everyone. Nice to meet you!
I am Yuta Kimura, a Kodo junior member.
Today was the premiere of “Yugen.”

As of today, I can now announce that all five Kodo junior members have made their debut on stage with Kodo.

We spent the past two years, until January 2017, living and training together at the Kodo Apprentice Centre. Now, the five of us are taking part in different performances and we are doing our very best as we continue to develop as performers.

I think it is great to have colleagues who graduated from the same class. Even now, we inspire one another and get along well.

With our lack of experience, it is a frantic time as we try to keep up with all the Kodo members. We will continue to do our very best. Please cheer us on!

Yuta Kimura, Kodo Junior Member

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