Visionary Film “Heartbeat Drummers of Japan” Released for Online Rental and Purchase
Visionary Film Released for Online Rental and Purchase
Heartbeat Drummers of Japan
Produced and directed by filmmaker Jacques Holender, this is the original 1983 KODO documentary, which explores their commitment to a unique aesthetic and collective ideal. Filmed on location in Japan at their communal home on Sado Island, and in Tokyo.
Soon after this documentary was filmed in January 1984, the young performers of Kodo set out on a new journey under the banner of “One Earth Tour.” By taking the sound of taiko to all corners of the globe, Kodo hoped their music and message would resonate with myriad cultures and ways of life, reminding people of our common bonds as human beings.
In 2024, this film was digitized and made available for distribution to commemorate the 40th anniversary of the beginning of Kodo’s ongoing “One Earth Tour.”
Rent or purchase online here:
Kodo One Earth Tour 2024 —Japan Tour—
In 2024, Kodo will celebrate 40 years of its “One Earth Tour” by taking a look back to the future the ensemble envisioned when it raised that banner, striving to capture the original vision in a commemorative touring concert. It promises to be a performance that connects the ambition underpinning Kodo’s mission to the present and future.
Here and now, beyond and always.