“Haruka” Kodo Performance Videos
[Haruka] Ohira-daiko (Hirado-daiko) and Shime-daiko https://youtu.be/aFmZJW0pjcg
[Haruka] Shinobue (bamboo flute) https://youtu.be/-6J_UPgkOWs
[Haruka] Upright Okedo and Jangara (cymbals) https://youtu.be/OsMZG4dv7lY
[Haruka] Katsugi Okedo (barrel drum with shoulder strap) https://youtu.be/Qqy4fSoc2gY
In the videos above, the bamboo flutes we are playing are shinobue happon-choshi (#8) utamono (song type).
You can use other flutes (pitch, type), but we recommend using the same pitch and type for both parts, so it’s easy to play together.
※This sheet music was amended on July 7, 2021.
Page 1: We changed the tempo: ♩118 → ♩120
The tempo on the sheet music is the same as the instructional video now. When you play Haruka, please feel free to change the tempo.
Before you download the sheet music, we will ask you to agree to the Kodo One Earth Music Terms of Use, and to submit your contact details via an online form.
Message from the Composer
Kodo’s third One Earth Music composition is “Haruka.”
I wanted to create a really fun, happy piece that people would enjoy playing together. I wrote this piece for an ensemble with a few different types of taiko, chappa (cymbals), and shinobue (bamboo flutes) playing the simple melody parts.
The melody is underpinned by taiko and chappa phrases, which are all very simple on their own. But when all the parts fit together and support one another, the result is this great big feel-good groove. If you take the time to thoroughly practice each part, it’ll be worth it when they come together.
In the middle of the piece, there’s a section where each part plays a solo in turn. You can play it the same way we do in our sample performance, if you like. But I think it would be great to forget about the sheet music here and add your own solo, so your individuality and your team’s character shine through when you play.
Recently, we haven’t been able to go out and about freely. We haven’t been able to meet up with the people we want to see. We’ve had to keep our distance. While it’s been tough on us all, I think this situation has let us reaffirm our connections with others. I think many bonds have become stronger through this experience.
Even if we are far apart,
No matter the distance,
I’m always thinking of you!
I can always hear your voice!
So it’s alright! We’ve got this!
With those sentiments in mind, I called this piece Haruka, which means “faraway.”
I hope we can share our feelings with one another across the miles through taiko, through music, and through “Haruka.” Above all, I really hope everyone has fun playing this piece.
Mitsuru Ishizuka
Kodo Taiko Performing Arts Ensemble
About Kodo One Earth Music
Kodo One Earth Music compositions are original pieces composed by Kodo, created so people around the world can enjoy playing our music more freely. Anyone, anywhere, any time.
To help make it easier for many people to learn and perform this music, we have:
・posted Kodo One Earth Music reference videos on YouTube.
・made free downloadable sheet music available.
・relaxed some of the usage restrictions, such as the need to request copyright permission.
Kodo One Earth Music Around the World
We love seeing videos of people around the world playing Kodo One Earth Music.
We’d like to share these with our followers via our website and on social media.
Kodo One Earth Music Around the World
Please share your videos with these hashtags: #kodoshunpuu #kodouneri #kodoharuka #oneearthmusic
And tag us: @kodoheartbeat