July 21 (Sat)–22 (Sun), 2018 Yoshikazu Fujimoto & Yoko Fujimoto Guest Appearance at “2018 San Francisco World Percussion Arts Festival” (San Francisco, CA, USA)

The 2018 San Francisco World Percussion Arts Festival will showcase renowned international artists spanning cultures from Japan, Iran, and Uzbekistan in “Portraits of Rhythm.”

This year, the special guests include Kodo Distinguished Members Yoshikazu Fujimoto & Yoko Fujimoto, thanks to Asano Taiko US!

Save the date and join them there for an intimate experience of rhythmic revelations!

Jul 21 (Sat), 2018 - Jul 22 (Sun), 2018 Dance Brigade's Dance Mission, San Francisco, California, USA


Guest artists include Yoshikazu Fujimoto & Yoko Fujimoto (Kodo)


July 21: 8:30 pm

July 22: 6:00 pm





V.I.P. Reception:


Ticket Availability:

Now on sale

Venue Address:

3316 24th St., San Francisco, CA 94110, USA

Event URL:



Maikaze Daiko Email: bruceghent@gmail.com