Artistic Director Tamasaburo Bando's Third Production
"Kodo One Earth Tour: Eternity"

Kodo One Earth Tour: Eternity
Photo: Takashi Okamoto

We are proud to present the third work directed by artistic director Tamasaburo Bando: an evolutionary performance entitled "Eternity." This production will premiere on Sado Island in November and tour around the major cities in Japan from late November through December.

When I was mulling over the theme of eternity, it occurred to me that "the workings of nature" unfold in spiral patterns. By enumerating "the workings of nature," maybe we could express "eternity." Strictly speaking there probably is no such thing as "eternity," but as things that are connected to it, there's dawn, light, rain, wind, clouds, waves, stars, dusk, the night sky, and amongst all these, I saw "human beings."

Tamasaburo Bando

Performance Details Nov. - Dec. 2014
