"The Traditional Culture of Sado Island" 3-Day/2-Night Tour: Kodo's Background, Sado's Nature & Cuisine

Makoto Shimazaki
Makoto Shimazaki

The island areas of Japan have cultivated their own unique customs and cultures. However, in recent years the outward flow of population from these islands is on the rise and some of those distinct characteristics are becoming lost. Now, Sado Island in Niigata is drawing attention as an island where vestiges of old Japan visibly remain. This tour, accompanied by Makoto Shimazaki who has been involved with the promotion of culture on Sado Island for many years, will shine a light on a wide range of fascinating aspects of Sado Island, including the background of taiko performing arts ensemble "Kodo," Noh theater propagated by Zeami, Sado's unique natural environment and its food culture.

This tour will be conducted in Japanese.

July 8 (Tue) - 10 (Thu), 2014 "The Traditional Culture of Sado Island" 3-Day/2-Night Tour: Kodo's Background, Sado's Nature & Cuisine

Accompanying Lecturer:
Makoto Shimazaki, Chairman, Kodo Cultural Foundation
Minimum No. of Participants:
15 people (Capacity: Approx. 20 people)
General 109,800 yen (Asahi Culture Center Members 107,400 yen)
Tour Guide:
Japanese-speaking tour guide will accompany the entire tour.
Meals Included:
2 breakfasts, 3 lunches, 3 dinners (incl. packed dinner for ferry ride home)
1st night at Hananoki Inn, Ogi; 2nd night at Hotel Azuma, Aikawa.
Travel Agency:
Asahi Sun Tours Tokyo Branch
Inquiries / Reservations:
Mr. Kozo Tanaka Tel. 03-6858-9811 Fax. 03-6858-9828
With Cooperation of: Asahi Culture Center Asahi - JTB Koryu Bunka Juku