The creative Noh piece Toki, which debuted at Earth Celebration 2006, is a story based on the Crested Ibis, a once endangered bird that has been bred in captivity and returned to the wild on Sado. The performance of this piece at the 32th Koganei Takigi Noh Performance marks its off-island debut, with Kodo's Yoshikazu Fujimoto and Chieko Kojima making special guest appearances.
* If you buy your Kogane Takigi Noh tickets at Polepole-za Higashi-Nakano during the season for the movie "Tokijima – Sosaku Noh "Toki" no Tanjo", you'll receive a 500 yen discount on performance tickets.
Koganei-city, Tokyo
Toritsu Koganei Koen Edo Tokyo Tatemonoen-mae