Tokijima – Sosaku Noh Toki no Tanjo is a documentary film about the making of an original Noh piece, from its inception by Kanzeryu-style Noh practitioner Reijiro Tsumura, to its realization through local Noh performers together with members of Hanayui and Yoshikazu Fujimoto. Watch as the local community rallies to bring the project to the stage, with footage that includes the familiar faces of Hanayui and Yoshikazu captured in the process of creation all the way through to actual performance footage.
We hope you will have the opportunity to see the performance live on stage, then take a look behind the scenes of this special project on the silver screen.
Nakano, Tokyo
space & café Polepole-za Higashi Nakano (Basement Floor, Polepole-za Tel. 03-3371-00880)
Niigata City, Niigata
Niigata Shimin Eigakan (Movie Theatre) Cinewind (Bandai City #2 Parking Bldg. 1F Tel. 025-243-5530