Kodo would like to take this opportunity to offer our heartfelt condolences to those who died in the recent Iwate and Miyagi earthquake and to send our prayers to all those injured and displaced from their homes.
This earthquake affected an area of Japan that is held very dear to Kodo; we have studied many of the local performing arts of this region and even adapted some of these traditional forms for the Kodo stage. This earthquake occurred a mere week after our School Workshop-Performance Tour had been visiting schools in Iwate and Miyagi. We cannot even begin to comprehend the extent of damage that was caused by this earthquake, and Kodo sincerely wishes for the swift recovery of all the quake victims. We hope we can visit you all again soon, bringing the sound of taiko to cheer you on.
During Earth Celebration, collection boxes will be placed at various venues, and the donations will be sent to the Japan Red Cross Iwate Branch to help the victims. We thank you in advance for any contribution you can make.